
Showing posts from 2009

My 21th Birthday!!!

This year, I was in Singapore during my Birthday. Hence I didn’t have a party or birthday cake. Nevertheless, I can say that this birthday was my best birthday ever! Actually, I don’t know where to start... Although my birthday was on Saturday, I have a nice dinner in Swenson’s on Friday night. Maybe it was not my birthday yet. But few hours wouldn’t make a difference, right? The food was really nice and there were plenty of options! However, I ended up ordering chicken chops! As for the dessert, my friends ordered a happy birthday ice-cream. It had only one small candle so I hoped that it can make my wish comes true. I wished the world will become a better a place…Just joking haha. Sorry but I can’t share with you what my wish was. It’s a secret! After the nice dinner, as usual we went to Masjid Asyakirin. We prayed our “own” Tarawih as usual. I mean, only the two or the three of us and me as an Imam. After the prayer, I tried to study a bit but I couldn’t, so I recited Qur’an inste

Friday 18th of December

Hi everyone.... First of all, sorry for not posting yesterday as I promised. I forgot that I have to post every Monday! Last Friday, I was able to practice what I've learned in the Ethics class regarding the conflict of interests! In that night, I had to attend four events and all of them was in the same time! 1- Programming training in KICT. 2- First meeting for Multaqa group in this semester. 3- BBQ with ta'aruf Dec 09/10 committees. 4- BBQ with ISD committees. I don't know why the four of them has to be in the same day in the same night! Anyway, this time, it was ok if I miss any of them because I was just only an attendant not an organizer. Hopefully, this kind of clashed doesn't happen when I become an organizer or a committee. I hope not, especially in this semester, as I take 21.5 cr hrs and join four (two) societies. I was appointed by brother Idzwein as the Multimedia head committee of MECSA (Mechanical Students' Association) few weeks. And since bro Faaleh

Teambuilding and Leadership!

This Friday, I joined the teambuilding and leadership program and went to Malacca! We started the journey in the early morning and arrived at Putri Resort after two hours approximately. The journey was nice and the views were beautiful as my friend mentioned to me afterwards. Unfortunately, I didn't enjoyed them since I was busy reading my karate book.... After we arrived there, we took some pictures, and then started our first session in the program. We were taught about the brain, how does it work, what is it's true capabilities, how to optimize our brains...etc.... We had our lunch at the restaurant of the resort, and it's name was "Finite Taste". What a nice name...And I enjoyed having the lunch and taking the pictures of others... We couldn't pray Jum'aat at that Friday since we couldn't find any Masjids nearby. So we ended up praying at the Mosulla of the resort. We had some spare time. So, we went to check in our rooms and have some rest. The r

Semester II, 2009/2010

Today, is a new day, and a new beginning, and a new start... It's been one week since my last post, sorry if you are one of my fans...But I had so many things to do as I was busy with Eid Al-Adha and Ta'aruf Week program...And it seems that it will continue like this to the end of the semester.... Today, I had my first official interview! And it was an interview for the Leadership program organized under ISD...what is ISD again? Refer to my previous posts please haha...I hope that I can get to participate in the program. My friend told me not to worry since I am the only participant from Thailand ( I'd rather say with a Thailand passport ).... This semester, I am taking 21.5 cr hrs! Plus I am planning to do as much as co-curricular activities! So basically I am killing myself! I don't know why I am doing this but maybe it has something to do with my result for the previous semester.... As such, I am planning to post it most only once every week....and also to lessen my

Genting Highlands

Hi there everyone.... On the 28th of November, on the 2nd day of Eidul Adha program, we went to "enjoy" our time on Genting Highlands! Thanks to my head committee who called me and woke me up that morning...Otherwise, I'll be sleeping in my room and left behind! Anyway, I was late. But the bus was very so extremely late. So, relatively I was early! We arrive there at 11 am. And we took the Gondola around 11:15 am. The ride was really cool! And cold also hehe... We enjoyed and have a lot of fun there! Although we weren't supposed to do so! I tried some nice stuff for the first time in my life! Unfortunately, I can't tell what were they...'cus the PM said "What happened in Genting, stays in Genting"!!! Yesterday, the 29th of November, I had a break. Since my program with ISD had finished and my work for Ta'aruf will start the next day. And now, I am currently in CAC. I supposed to do some work but since I did all of my tasks already. Technically, I


In the 27th of November 2009, All Muslims in the world celebrated the day Eidul Adha. For me, this year, I was working with an ISD program and...what? you don't know what is ISD? No no no, it's not Internal Security Defense! I mean by ISD the International Student Division... So where was I? Oh yes, I was working with an ISD program and I was serving food to the students (since I was in the catering bureau) but honestly I felt more like a waiter! That's why I kept saying "thank you" to the 400 student who came and join the program! And that's why it was a "thank you" day for me...By the way, we served three meals and we had 4oo students...So...I basically said "thank you" 400x3=1200 times! OH MY GOD! I am even surprised at myself now! My schedule in the program was like this... Breakfast: I have to be there at 7:30 am until 10:30 am. Lunch: Must be in the canteen from 1 pm until 3:45 pm. Dinner: Have to be around from 7:00 pm until we finis

INDUCTION COURSE: Ta'aruf December 2009/2010

Hi there everyone...I hope you are enjoying your time... I am going to talk about the induction course that I had to undergo recently...and unlike last semester's, it was surprisingly good! The course was held in Sri Malaysia Hotel, Lalang Bagan. We started our journey after Jum'at prayer around 3:34 pm and we arrived at 5:29 pm. Therefore, the duration was almost two hours. Most of my friends slept in the bus, but I didn't. I wished I brought my 4x4x4 Rubik's cube so I can practice on the way... -------------FIRST DAY------------- When we arrived there, we have a briefing on the schedule of the course. Afterwords, we had a swift refreshment. Then, we check in the hotel and got the keys for our nice rooms :-) At that evening, we had our first sport activity. We played a game called share and paint...or that what I named it! I went to the game late so I didn't actually know what is the name of the game...but the rules are simple...The referee will call out a certain

At last...

At last! I finished all my exams! however, I have a lot of stuff to do in this vacation as two event in which I am involve will clash...So I started to take one whole day to relax before starting working hard... Yesterday, was really a nice day. I was out all day long...Of course, I was supposed to be in training for ACP, however, skipping one day of training won't make a big difference, right? KLCC was our first destination. We had our lunch there, and it was a nice one by the way...And from there, we went to airline agency as my friend wanted to settle some matters there. We after that to Time Square and spent most of the time, and watching the cinema... I bought a pyraminx and very nice sport shoes which I can't wait to use them. In case that you don't know what it is a pyraminx. it is a puzzle like the Rubik's cube but instead of have the shape of a cube it has the shape of a triangle-base-pyramid. The puzzle is actually easy to solve unlike the cub

Take a breather...

Hi world! It's been a while, isn't it? Anyway, the exams are still on...everyone is striving and doing their best...And actually nothing really happens...just studying, going to exam, after that, going back and studying for the next paper... My first exam was Manufacturing Processes, the questions were repeated from previous finals...And I did well thanks to Allah...and then to my senior Asgar who gave me past year papers... The second exam was Engineering ethics...I did well except the question that asked about the history (and by the way, I don't like studying history in general)...So basically, I can say that I rewrote the history for OSHA in that morning in my exam paper... The third exam was the math exam, worst exam ever!!! The first time in my life when I don't have any clue about the answer of a question! The reason is, the lecturer gave us some topics as home study...but unfortunately, this home study thingy didn't work out well with me... I felt really do

Before you start...

Don't forget before you start an exam to say: " اللَّÙ‡ُÙ…َّ لا سَÙ‡ْÙ„َ Ø¥ِلاَّ ما جَعَÙ„ْتَÙ‡ُ سَÙ‡ْلاً، وأنْتَ تَجْعَÙ„ُ الحَزْÙ†َ إذَا Ø´ِئْتَ سَÙ‡ْلاً" Meaning : “Oh Allah! Nothing is easy except what you have made easy. If you wish, you can make the difficult easy.” Maksudnya: “Ya Allah,tiada satu kemudahan melainkan jika Engkau jadikan mudah,dan dengan kehendak-Mu sesuatu yang sulit itu menjadi mudah” All the best!


So...I'll be off for a while everyone...maybe... My first final exam will be on 7th of December. Subject: Manufacturing Processes....planning to study from now... My Second will be on the 10th. Subject: Engineering Ethics Safety and Environment...will study right after Manu P exam... I got a hint on the finals today...I went to Dr. Hersi's office to take back my midterm, and he says that the topic for the finals will be from the topics taught on the 5th week and on. But the funny thing is...Before I entered his room, I overheard him talking with someone through the phone saying "I am in the car now"???!! You are in the car? I thought you are in your office! I check my carry marks on the way and it wasn't very nice :'-( My third paper will be on the 12th. Subject: Numerical Methods and Statistics...I'll study for this very hard...planning to get for marks in this final! My fourth final exam will be on the 17th. Subject: Structural Dynamics. I am not very wo

72 hours without sleeping!

What's this puzzling topic? That's one of my records...Once upon a time in my life, I was awake for 72 hours i.e. three consecutive days! Why was that? It's not because I had a lot of stuff and no time. It is because I had nothing to do and plenty of time! So I decided to practice myself, and build up my endurance! So, for staying awake, my record was three days so far. Of course I trained myself in different ways also such as longest time with no food and longest time without toilet! Why I am mentioning this all a sudden. The reason is because, till this moment, I didn't sleep for 36 hours and I am doing fine! Actually, I even decided to make an extra tutorial class tonight! Now I am harvesting the fruits of those old days so called training. Why don't I cancel the class and go sleep? The reason is, if I sleep, I'll be satisfying my need only. But if I make the tutorial class, I'll be helping a quite number of people. So the need of majority overrules the n

This Week

Hi world! It's me again! I am back! So, in this post, I am going to practice my summarizing skills and try to tell you what happened in the last seven days in one post! It sounds maybe easy for you but for me, it is a difficult task! Marvelous Monday! As usual, I go to my SD class at 10 am...The lecturer was fine, energetic and funny as usual...he decided that date of the "boost up" midterm to be on the 29th of I should start studying from now! After that class, I went to GPCL lab to print some papers...and but I "ter-facebooking"!!! I spend some time there until the lecturer for the lab class came...After that I went to MD class late as usual and was surprised that there was a quiz! Math class, as usual, a lot of writing...before that, I had to go to see Dr. Talib because of the midterm...but so many people there...and I had to wait for so long... Terrific Tuesday! Didn't sleep much last night, because I was study


The final exams are coming! I should start studying! This semester, I become really afraid and anxious when I think of the finals...unlike the usual. The reason is that I know that I didn't do good in the whole semester so I really need to score high in the finals... I don't know what is happening this semester in this university...everyone (including me) has become lazy! The hard working people became less hardworking and the lazy people became even more lazier! What is the reason of this laziness in everyone! It is more likely that a virus called "laziness" has spread in the campus...Some of us were really infected by this virus...while others have better immunity against it... Every time the final exams are mentioned I remember something funny though...One of my old friends, after seeing everyone exhausted because of the preparations for the finals, he said "This is our situation in the tests of this worldly life so how do you think we would be like in the tes

No Fear Public Speaking

It was a normal Saturday morning, until my roommate woke me up saying “you are not coming to the workshop or something? It is late already!” I wasn’t fully awake and didn’t know what he was talking about…so I said “Never mind, you go first. I’ll catch up with you later” and went to continue sleeping. However, I couldn’t enjoy it for so long because one of my friends called saying “Hey, sleepo! Wake up! The workshop has started about half an hour! I’ll come and fetch you by bike…” I realized what they were talking about and said in myself “what the heck?! How come I forget something that I was really looking forward to, it is the public speaking workshop!” Anyhow, I got ready and my friend came and picked me up. When I reached there, SLEU, the trainer was there already, and she was calling the participants out to introduce themselves according to their birth-dates. Although I came late, my turn did not come yet. However, I didn’t know what was going on at the time since I came late so

Trilingual Class!

I am proud to say that my tutorial class is one of the rare trilingual classes in IIUM! How come? My students ask me in Malay or Arabic and I answer them in English! Of course, I could answer in Arabic or in Malay but first I want everyone in my class to understand what I am saying and second I have to use English in accordance with the rules and regulations of the faculty. Unfortunately, no one in my class can speak Japanese otherwise my class will be the one and only quad-lingual class in this university! So why do I like tutoring so much? There are several reasons. First, I like helping people. That's something runs in my blood as they say. Second, I love teaching! And tutoring brings back the nice memories when I was a teacher. Third, for some reason, tutoring makes me happy. Even if only two students come to my class. I just feel happy and that's it! It's not convincing, right? Fourth, as Qasim-sensi said, when you teach, you learn as well! And that's happening to

Melodies of Life

"Alone for a while I've been searching through the dark For traces of the love you left inside my lonely heart To weave by picking up the pieces that remain Melodies of life--love's lost refrain Our paths they did cross, though I cannot say just why We met, we laughed, we held on fast, and then we said goodbye And who'll hear the echoes of stories never told? Let them ring out loud till they unfold In my dearest memories, I see you reaching out to me Though you're gone, I still believe that you can call out my name A voice from the past, joining yours and mine Adding up the layers of harmony And so it goes, on and on Melodies of life, To the sky beyond the flying birds--forever and beyond So far and away, see the bird as it flies by Gliding through the shadows of the clouds up in the sky I've laid my memories and dreams upon those wings Leave them now and see what tomorrow brings In your dearest memories, do you remember loving me? Was

One is done, five more to go...

What I am talking about? Guess...Nope, sorry wrong answer. Guess again...Nah, I think you are not good at guessing... Of course, what I am talking about, it's fasting six days of Shawwal. So, yesterday, I completed fasting one day...and five more to go... The prophet peace be upon him said what can be translated as "Whoever fasts the month of Ramadan, and then follows it up by fasting six days of Shawwal, it is as though he has fasted the whole year"... How come? You fast only 36 days and it is like you fast the whole year! Of course you know...what? you don't know even this! It's simple. As we know, in Islamic calendar, a year is consist only of 360 days. We know also that Allah (SWT) multiplies the reward of a good deed by 10 (that's the minimum, it can goes up to 700 times). So, you get it now right? 36 x 10 = 360... Life is a test! Why I am saying this all of a sudden? Because of what happened to me yesterday. These things could've happened to me anyti

An Adventure

This was my first time travelling alone. I was feeling a strange feeling, a mixture of anxiety and excitement, you can say. My father was hell worried about me and kept reminding me about this and that until I memorized everything he said. He was like that until my mom told him their son is already an adult and a responsible person. Anyway, I hugged them so strong for that I don’t know maybe it’s my last chance to do so. I went to the waiting hall and, because the flight was delayed, had to wait for three hours! I thought it’d be boring. But then again, I decided to have fun in my “adventure”! So I decided to act like the videogames characters such as those in final fantasy games. I went here and there, talking with this guy and that! Wandering in the shops as asking about the items! Although it might look weird, nevertheless, I am having fun! And those people I might not be able to see them again! Well, it was like that until they finally called for departure… In the airplane, almos

I nearly lost my book!

Yesterday, I nearly lost my book, well actually the library book! "I just wanna scream! How could this happen to me?" I never imagined myself saying these words, neither had I imagined myself in a situation like that... As a practice, I'll utilize this blog to practice my memory. I'll be start posting about something that happened couple of months ago. I’ll give these posts the title of “Days of my life”...And any of you if you are somehow related to that post please comment and most importantly correct me if I said anything not true... So, what happened in this vacation, what I did in my adventure, I'll continue it later... Good luck everyone, and I hope you don't be my shoes...

Tell me why...

Can someone tell me the reason? Why girls and only girls tell guys to cut their hair? Is there any physiological reason behind this. Whether they are wives, mothers or sisters, they do tell guys to cut their hair. And whether the guys' hair are neat or messy, still girls tell them to cut their hair. And why guys, or most of them, refuses to do so? Seriously, I don't have any idea. Guys do comment on each others hair but I've never seen a guy telling another to have a haircut. Even though this is not related to my field of studies whatsoever, I am really curious to know the reason. One of my old friends, when I was in high school, never wanted to cut his hair. He even opposed the rules and regulations of the school because of that. He said that he'd rather getting expelled from the school on having a haircut! He even said that he'd rather to be dead on shaving his head. Well, I've never understand him, although he was a close friend. The same case goes with me.

Contact Lenses?

(Don't worry. This post is a short one. It is not a long-boring post like the previous one haha...) Recently, my dear roommate-friend lost his glasses. So, he wanted to buy a pair of contact lenses. Therefore, we decided to go with him last night. Anyhow, we went to several shops to find the most suitable offer. But in the end of the day, we didn't buy anything. That is not because we didn't find any nice offer. The reason is because we met a shopkeeper who warned my friend from contact lenses. He said that to decide to wear contact lenses is not a simple decision. It is a big responsibility. Carelessness might lead to unwanted results such as damaging your eyes and wasting a lot of money. So, my friend backed off and decided not to consider wearing contact lenses anymore. Anyhow, I remembered the old days when I was crazy about contact lenses. I had around five pairs of contact lenses. And what the shopkeeper said was correct. I did damage my eyes and waste money. However

The first day of my adventure...

The first day of my adventure...I woke up at 7:00 am. I didn't pack anything yet or even iron my clothes or arrange the room! Anyhow, somehow, I did manage to organize the room, iron what I want to wear, pack and get ready in one hour...Thanks to Allah. I wanted to go to the faculty of engineering before starting my journey for three reasons. I wanted to do 3 things there but managed to do only one of them...ok one and a half to be more precise hehe. I went to block E0 to submit the structural dynamics assignment; however, the lecturer's compartment was closed. I did not want to take the risk and put it outside. I tried to contact my friend-classmates so that they submit it for me later on but no one expected from my friends always. So basically, it is not my fault! After that, I went to the next block, block E1. I went there late and early. Seriously, I do like to speak puzzles. Late for what? Late for the lift, hehe. I could have saved my time and energy if I

The true meaning of 'I Love you'

Recently, I wanted to go for shopping. I didn’t know where to go. Nevertheless, a close friend recommended me a specific mall called Sogo. That’s not the main topic, what I am trying to say is, when I wrote the short story “I start seeing another women”, I never thought that it would happen in reality. However, when I went to the shopping mall, I saw a scene from the story exactly as I imagined it. I was so happy and so relieved, surprised as well. I didn’t know that such good people exist in this world. I hope that one day I am going to do like that person. If you haven’t read the story, then I bet you don’t have any clue what I am talking about. Fear not, here it is… After 21 years of marriage, I found another spark of love… Recently, I started seeing another woman other that my wife. However, it was my wife’s idea that I meet her and spend some time with her as she said “I know very well how much you love her.” Who is that women? Is she beautiful? Is she hot? Is she rich? ...

MY fading away!

I’ve been always known that I have an incredible memory...A kid who could memorize 10 pages of the holy Qur'an in one day, that was me...A person who never forgets an acquaintance's name, that was me...A guy who can remember almost everything, that was me… However, as you read, I used “was” not “am”. I am not that person anymore. For some reason, my memory is fading away…My tremendous ability to memorize is fleeting like a dream…I forgot how old my brother is recently. I forgot my key (at the door of my room) more than 13 times for the last one and a half month and lost it almost 4 times. I even forgot my calculator after one of my exams…I even forgot how to spell some easy words! There are a lot of other cases…but I forgot them! Unfortunately, I don’t have a friend, who is studying psychology. Otherwise, he or she can help me. I really need help here! Anyhow, if it is destined for me to loss my ability to memorize, I hope that my memory will remain with me, in my heart… My dea

Something that I missed long time ago

Last Saturday, I broke my fast with UQS in economics canteen. The food was really nice. One "bunkus" wasn't enough for me. I wanted to take another one. But felt embarrassed to do so. I had a nice chat with some of my seniors and old friends, and that somehow, helped me to forget about my uncomfortable feeling within my heart... After that, I went to pray Magrib in IIUM is masjid people not "mosque" ok? Anyway, I went late, since I didn't hear the Iqamah from the canteen...The important thing that, I, somehow, ended up as the Imam. This position (being Imam) is something that I used to long time ago. Anyhow, that revived a nice feeling in my heart. Is it the feeling of being and Imam? Is it the feeling of being a leader? How knows... Speaking of which, Malaysia Multaqa (MM) has appointed me as a leader. And this Wednesday will be my first day as their leader. Of course, a new leader should give a speech. However, I still don't know what to sa

The first, yet not the first blog...

Hey world! Welcome to my blog, thanks for dropping by... My blog will be a journey, filled with fantasies, mixed with realities...and you need to be equipped well to survive in this journey... So be prepared to get confused, to get sad, to get even amazed while reading my blogs... I don't think you know me...nevertheless, as you read my blogs, you will know me more and more, gradually... There is an ultimate secret behind the lines of my blog, only the most clever, the most alert, most talented readers can find it! That's all for now people...Have a nice day.