
Showing posts from 2013

The Parrot

قصہ رائعہ جدآ KISAH YANG SANGAT MENGESANKAN كان هناك شيخ يعلم تلاميذه العقيدة Ada seorang guru agama yg mengajarkan Aqidah kepada murid2nya يعلمهم لا إله إلا الله يشرحها لهم Dia mengajarkan "La ilaaha illallah" kepada mereka & menjelaskan maknanya يربيهم عليها أسوة بما كان يفعل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم Mendidik mereka dengan keteladanan Rasulullah -Shallallahu alaihi wa sallam- عندما كان يعلم أصحابه العقيدة ويغرسها في نفوسهم Ketika mengajarkan aqidah beliau berusaha menanamkanya ke dalam jiwa murid-muridnya وكان الشيخ يحب تربية الطيور والقطط Sang guru itu senang memelihara burung & kucing فأهداه أحد تلاميذه ببغاء Lalu seorang muridnya pun menghadiahkan padanya seekor burung kakak tua ومع الأيام أحب الشيخ الببغاء Makin hari sang guru pun makin suka dgn burung itu وكان يأخذه معه في دروسه Dan sering membawanya pada saat mengajar murid-muridnya حتى تعلم الببغاء نطق كلمة لا إله إلا الله‼ Sehingga kakak tua itu pun belajar mengucapkan kalimat tauhid "La ilaha illa

"Islam in a Trench"

I was astonished of you.... Seeing people while praying, in millions, heading to one Ka'bah in Makkah... Yet, after the prayer is done everyone is dispersed, the oneness fades away, and each one goes on his own way... Some of you, their Ka'bah is Washington! and some others their Ka'bah is Paris! others  their  Ka'bah is Geneva, or  Israel ! And some of you, their Ka'bah is themselves!!? What success you are waiting for while you are at war with each other? Would you consider looking further than your own feet? Death is on your door, and the Almighty surrounds you...

قف في الحياة

قف في الحياة ترى الحياة تبسما والطل من ثغر الخمائل قد همى وسرى النسيم يهز عطف عبيره والماء في عطف الجداول تمتما والنبت قد شق الثرى فعيونه تاقت إلى ضوء تألق في السما     وسرت طيور القاع تنشد في الربا بيت القصيد سعادة وترنما     والنحل قد ترك الخلية مولعاً برحيق زهر ظل يسكب في اللما وبكى الغمام من الفراق مشامتاً في الأرض يضحك ترحة وتلوما وتطاولت شم الجبال ونافرت قمم التلال فلم تكن أبداً كما والمؤمن اطلع الوجود مسلماً أهلاً بمن حاز الجمال مسلماً فجثت لطلعته الجبال وأذعنت إذ كان منها في الحقيقة أعظما     ورأى الحياة بنظرة قدسية وبها إلى عز المهيمن قد سما     كشف الحجاب عن الغيوب فأشرقت سبل الهداية قبله فتقدما     عرف الحقيقة فاستنار بنورها وتراه في عمق التفكر ملهما في كل ماثلة تمر بعينه عبر تعرفه الإله الأعظما حبل الرجاء غدا به متمسكاً أنعم بحبل قط لن يتصرما

The Best

If I ever asked you to pray for me, don't pray for what is the best for me, pray for what is the best...for all of us... Maybe it is the best for me to be an academician, to be a teacher, having no much pressure from work and slow-pace life. However, maybe it is not the best for the new generations...for the students. Maybe it is best for me as it is something that I love, but not best for the people around me, as there is someone who is better than me... Maybe it is the best for me to work in the industry as an engineer, having a good pay job and furthering my passion in engineering. However, maybe it is not the best for others, maybe there is someone else who can do my job better, and maybe I can contribute the most not as an engineer, but as someone else... Maybe it is good for me to stay away from my family, being more independent and having more time for other activities...but who knows maybe it is not the best for them. Maybe they will feel different if they knew that

A forgotten journey

It's been almost seven years since I stopped this journey. Given my tight schedule, truly I don't know how can I find time for this. However, I should never give up. Where there is a will, there is a way. All the time, the effort, the hard work will be in vein if I decided to stop. A forgotten journey and a road which I abandoned long time ago...It's never too late to start again!!!

Just another day

Peace be upon you everyone! Hello to the world again...It is been long enough since I last posted here...I apologize for that...I can only say that I was in dream, and finally have woken up. So what to write here? I have plenty to share, my dear blog-reader...Hmmm, ok, I will narrate the happenings of a random day in my life... It was after sunset when my friend (AA) asked me accompany him to the clinic. He had a back-pain since the last time we trained bunkai in preparation for SUKIPT 2014 . So I went with him and followed by our team manager (MN) to see the doctor. I let him checked by the doctor and then an idea came to my mind...why not check the pain in my left foot since I am already here?? And bismillah I did let the doctor inspect my injury. And the result was...FRACTURED. And then I have been asked by him to see the physiologist. I said yes to him but didn't go. There was no male physiologist available and I don't agree on girls touching me. So what to do? The S

A Light Filled the Heart

"If you found a darkness in your heart after committing a sin, then know that there is a light without which you would not have found that darkness."

My Legacy

Every Tuesday night, I have karate-do training. However, the training was shifted to Monday as my sensei will not be available on Tuesday. Usually, I borrow one of my friends' bike as I have a my dojo class on Wednesday morning, however, this week I didn't . Waking up on Wednesday morning and coming to realize that I don't have transportation to my class. I had no choice but to take a taxi as it will take long time if I choose to travel by bus. My students always expect me to come by a bike, as usual. Therefore, they didn't know I took a taxi. They were already waiting for me near the door of the kindergarten. As I opened the door of the taxi and went out, they noticed me and started jumping and shouting out of happiness: "SENSEI AMEEN!!!" That feeling was indescribable. At that moment, I realized how much I love them. Also, at the same moment, I remembered my sensei and finally understood how much he loved me. As he was my hero and I was his leg

University Grading

 Lining Up and Reishiki Warming up Ridiculously Photogenic Me  -_- Junior Belts Senior Belts Family Portrait A picture is worth a thousand words, is it? Nevertheless, I am writing down few words in this entry. I haven't written here for a long time. This is my " I don't know "th grading. It is my second grading as a shodan . Yet, it was the most difficult grading for me...for some reasons which I cannot disclose here. However, praise to Almighty and Alhmadulillah, everything was fine. All of those who participated in the grading have passed and some even passed with flying colors!!!

Farewell My Hero

It is hard to lose someone close to your heart. But nothing can be done and we just have to accept the reality. Indeed, it is a sad thing for me and I am trying to move on. However, moving on in my situation is practically impossible. I have just to bear with it, and live along with the sadness in my heart. He is a person who gave a big impact in my life. Someone who nurtured me and transformed me from a zero to hero. Someone who really changed my perspective of this life. Someone who showed me the real meaning of sacrifice. I didn't know that was the last time I would see him. He dropped me inside my university and then we said goodbye to each other. It was just a normal goodbye for me. But, I wondered why he looked so sad. He knew that he might not be able to see me again. But as usual, I've realized it late. Maybe not soon but gradually I will become like him. Things happen bit by bit and you don't even notice them. I used to look up to him, and admire him.

Everything Happens for a Reason.

A King had a male servant who, in all circumstances always said to him; My king, do not be discouraged because everything Allah does is perfect, no mistakes. One day, they went hunting and a wild animal attacked the king,the servant managed to kill the animal but couldn't prevent his majesty from losing a finger. Furious and without showing gratitude, the King said; if Allah was good, I would not have been attacked and lost one finger. The servant replied; Despite all these things, I can only tell you that Allah is good and everything He does is perfect,He is never wrong. Outraged by the response, the king ordered the arrest of his servant. Later, he left for another hunt and was captured by savages who use human beings for sacrifice. In the altar, the savages found out that the king didn't have one finger in place, he was released because he was considered not "complete" to be offered to the Gods. On his return to the palace, he authorized the release of his se

Ramadan 2013

Alhamdulillah, the holy month of Ramadan has passed. For me, this Ramadan was the most productive Ramadan ever, spiritually, physically, and mentally. This Ramadan will be a changing point in my life inshaAllah. This time, I've managed to achieve all what I've targeted for Ramadan, Alhamdulillah. I did had to push myself to achieve those goals, fell sick on the way several times. But on the last day of Ramadan, when I ticked all the items on my target list, that overwhelming feeling is so wonderful and indescribable. However, that feeling of satisfaction and happiness didn't last long. In the first day of Eid, I've already started to feel something missing. The sudden drop in the nutrition for my soul, caused that feeling. Somehow if I don't keep do what I used to do for this whole month, I would feel something missing. As for the physical side, putting away the fact of fasting, I am preparing for my probably-last university games, MASUM Sports Carniva

Six Years of Friendship

The other day, after Tarawih prayer, I met an old friend..someone whom I met the first time in my first class in my university life. I see him from time to time, and usually chat with him. Things happens gradually and I just realized the difference in our conversations... Before, we used to talk about studies, assignments, lecturers, internship, holidays and things around that. However, our last conversation was about work, being independent, moving out, searching for the future partner....I guess have grown up even before we knew it. He told that a friend said to him, he is already a very good person, no need to wait for a very good person and don't be picky. Just go for a normal person. And that concept changed his mind, as well as it changed mine before... Maybe I should lower "my standards" a bit. There is no such thing as the perfect women. As I am a guardian, I wished for a person who is a guardian too. As a black-belt martial artist, I wished for a bl

The Nurse and the Muslim Patient

My name is Cassie, I am 23 years old. I graduated as a qualified nurse this year and was given my first position as a home nurse. My patient was an English gentleman in his early 80s who suffered from Alzheimer’s. In the first meeting, the patient was given his record and from it I could see that he was a convert to the religion of Islam, therefore he was a Muslim. I knew from this that I would need to take into account some modes of treatment that may go against his faith, and therefore try to adapt my care to meet his needs. I brought in some ‘halal’ meat to cook for him and ensured that there was no pork or alcohol in the premises as I did some research which showed that these were forbidden in Islam. My patient was in a very advanced stage of his condition so a lot of my colleagues could not understand why I was going through so much effort for him. But I understood that a person who commits to a faith deserves that commitment to be respected, even if they are not

The Crying Voice

From the best of recitations of Sheikh Muhammad Siddiq Al-Minshawi. He  was an Egyptian Qur'anic reciter and was known for his unique sad tone of recitation. Having been significantly influenced by his father, Muhammad Siddiq El-Minshawi was also a protégé of  Mohamed Salamah , a famous reciter of the 20th century. He studied the rules of recitation under Ibrahim As-Su'oodi at a young age. Muhammad Siddiq El-Minshawi has become a household name across the  Muslim world . He traveled to many countries outside of his homeland, including  Indonesia ,  Jordan ,  Kuwait ,  Libya ,  Palestine  ( Al-Aqsa Mosque ),  Saudi Arabia  and  Syria .He helped kids with the Quran.


Hey everyone, it is ages since my last update. Sorry my dear blog-reader, but I am trying my best to find time for this blog. A lot of things happened, and are happening in my life. But I am surviving, alhamdulillah. I am not having a perfect life, and I am not striving to achieve that target anyway. Because I believe if I put that target before my eyes, I will very hard to achieve it, and forget to enjoy the present. I am not having a perfect life, and they've been many things that I wished for, but didn't get. Yet, I am not sad because of the things that didn't happen in my life. I have faith that my life story has been written down 50,000 years ago by the best of planners, Almighty Allah. If you know the unseen, then you would wish your life has gone exactly as it went. "It may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you like a thing which is bad for you." You want to pass, but you failed. You failed and learned from your m

Karate Gegarkan Teluk Chempedak

Kuantan: Seramai 150 pelatih karate mengadakan latihan di pantai peranginan Teluk Chempedak, Kuantan baru-baru ini. Latihan di luar dojo kali pertama diadakan itu disertai pelatih daripada Persatuan Karate Kuantan (KATA) dan Kelab Karate-do Shito-ryu Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (UIA). KATA mengadakan banyak program seumpama itu serta aktif menyediakan program pelapis bagi pasukan karate negeri. Ahli-ahli persatuan terdiri daripada segenap lapisan umur dari sekecil berusia lima tahun sehingga belia berusia 20-an. Ramai daripadanya telah banyak mewakili negeri di kejohanan peringkat kebangsaan dan antarabangsa. Baru-baru ini empat wakil KATA beraksi pada Kejohanan Karate-do Piala Asia (Silent Knight) di Kuala Lumpur. Mereka berjaya meraih sebutir pingat emas, satu perak dan empat gangsa. Presiden KATA Shahira Shafie, berkata bahawa latihan intensif serta kesungguhan yang ditunjukkan oleh pelatihnya menyumbang kepada kejayaan bitu di samping kegigihan jurulatih ser

Time Passes...

It’s been a very long while since I updated my blog. A lot has happened around in my life, and not updating my facebook status every now and then does not mean that my life is stagnant and boring. So I finally got a little time to open my blog and clean it from dust. Again, I am not going into details. Some say that life has three stages: youth, adulthood, and old age. Youth, in contrast with the common definition, is the early stage of life until the age of 33. This is the age at which one seeks knowledge and acquires experience from his mistakes. An old Arabic proverb says: “Seeking knowledge in young age is like engraving on stone, while seeking knowledge in old age is like writing on water”. Adulthood in the time of realization when one becomes aware that there is so much in this life. It is like a stage when he starts to look outside the box, while he has been looking inside the box for his entire youth age. The power and motivation of seeking knowledge subside, normally

Faith and Denial

Two perspectives that have been supporting me all this time, and made me the person whom I am at this moment: A certain belief that I have and another thing that I deny. But one must remember people are different, things that have work with some people might not work with others. Here, I detail two of my perspectives that motivate me every time. If you are my type of person, then these two might not work with you. The first one is BELIEVE in your God! He is our creator and has the absolute knowledge! What we see with our limited vision and wisdom as something bad for ourselves might actually have more good behind it. So whether you pass a test or you fail, whether you got a job you wanted or not, either cases it went for the best of our well being. Who might know...maybe if you pass a hard subject with an outstanding grade you will become arrogant...maybe if you got the job that you likes you won't be happy because of the bad environment, colleagues or boss.We kno