
Showing posts from June, 2011

Privacy Settings

“I want to share your photos with only with my close friends. I don’t want the rest of the world to see it. So, what should I do?” “I don’t upload my own pictures. I don’t like strangers to see my photos. But sometimes I take group pictures with my friends for memories and they upload it without asking my permission.” “I have a lot of friends and the only way to share my photos with them is facebook. Sending through email is too impractical due to my large number of friends. Still, I want to keep my photos private from the rest of the world.” If you have one of the above thoughts, then you have arrived at the right blog post. The solution is simple. The ‘trick’ to keep your photos private and only visible to the people you choose, is as follows: 1- First click on “Account” then “Privacy Settings” 2- Click on “Custom” and go to “Customise Settings” 3- Scroll down until you find “Things Others Share”, click on “Edit settings” 4- Click on “Friends only” and change it to &quo

Life without Sacrifice

This post was published automatically. If you are reading this post, please pray for me. Pray that I survive (physically and mentally) what I am going through right now. I wrote this post long time ago. If it was published then that means my life is not going well. It means that the time has almost come… Referring to the topic, how would life be without sacrifice? That is a feeling that I’ve never experienced, as I started to sacrifice important and precious things in my life since I was 12 years old. Nevertheless, I don’t regret that I have a very tough ‘childhood’. It made me ahead of my age. It made me very sharp in learning. It made me more independent. When you help others, it is not a lost for you. I have enormous stories about this fact. But considering some circumstances, I will share only one. I picked this one because it is not complicated and you can see what I am trying to convey here. Two-three years ago, I was really active in Scribd . I used to upload every single

If I am special to you

if I am special to you, send this back to me you might be my best friend one year pretty good friend the next year don't talk that often the next year and don't want to talk at all the year after that. so, I just wanted to say even if I never talk to you again in my life you are special to me and you have made a difference in my life I look up to you, respect you, and truly cherish you Share this to all your friends No matter how often you talk or how close you are and send it to the person who sent it to you Let old friends know you haven't forgotten them and tell new friends you never will remember, everyone needs a friend someday you might feel like you have no friends at all just remember this text and take comfort in knowing somebody out there cares about you and always will

The Impossible Dream
