
Showing posts from December, 2012

Ten General Skills will Help You in Campus

1- Reading: start at the front, go page by page (both sides), until you reach the end of the chapter. Repeat this process until you reach the end of the book. 2- Writing: typically, you do the outline before you write the paper. 3- Arithmetic: learning to add, subtract, multiply, and take percents are most difficult but valuable skills in surviving many courses. 4- Basic computer skills: word processing, spreadsheets, graphing and charting, database managers, Internet browsers, etc. 5- Note-taking, outlining, note-editing, exam preparation skills. 6- When to show up on time. 7- Who to smile at. 8- Where to never show up, and who to avoid at all costs. 9- Be nice to people, in general, and especially the people who run the place. 10- How to keep a positive attitude. This is the most important of all survival skills.

Mother vs. Wife

An interesting title in a local newspaper few days ago...Unfortunately; I didn’t get the chance to read it. I’ve heard about it from my Ustaz (Lecturer of Laws of Family in Islam). Anyhow, many incidents related to this issue happened around me, the past few weeks...Some of which I can share here and some I cannot. One day, I was with my supervisor doing my project; we went to the lab and found other people already there, doing their own project. One of them was putting his hand phone while doing his work. My supervisor smiled, and pointed to his phone, as the picture of his girlfriend appeared in the screen saver. Last week, we were working in another lab with a group of my friends. Me and one of them felt very bored and decided to call and prank one of our best friends. Long story short, he handed me his phone, “Going to the toilet, if he calls, reply.” as we were expecting a call for that friend. Then added “Don’t look at my fiancĂ©e’s picture”, in the back ground.