
Showing posts from July, 2013

University Grading

 Lining Up and Reishiki Warming up Ridiculously Photogenic Me  -_- Junior Belts Senior Belts Family Portrait A picture is worth a thousand words, is it? Nevertheless, I am writing down few words in this entry. I haven't written here for a long time. This is my " I don't know "th grading. It is my second grading as a shodan . Yet, it was the most difficult grading for me...for some reasons which I cannot disclose here. However, praise to Almighty and Alhmadulillah, everything was fine. All of those who participated in the grading have passed and some even passed with flying colors!!!

Farewell My Hero

It is hard to lose someone close to your heart. But nothing can be done and we just have to accept the reality. Indeed, it is a sad thing for me and I am trying to move on. However, moving on in my situation is practically impossible. I have just to bear with it, and live along with the sadness in my heart. He is a person who gave a big impact in my life. Someone who nurtured me and transformed me from a zero to hero. Someone who really changed my perspective of this life. Someone who showed me the real meaning of sacrifice. I didn't know that was the last time I would see him. He dropped me inside my university and then we said goodbye to each other. It was just a normal goodbye for me. But, I wondered why he looked so sad. He knew that he might not be able to see me again. But as usual, I've realized it late. Maybe not soon but gradually I will become like him. Things happen bit by bit and you don't even notice them. I used to look up to him, and admire him.