
Showing posts from 2011

If The Beloved Were Among Us

Kalau Kekasih (Nabi) di kalangan kita Akan datang kepada kita yang jauh dan yang dekat Dari Taibah sebelum Magrib Berkehendakkan dekat dengan Kekasih Dengan dekat dengannya hati menjadi tenang Dan berdoalah kepada Allah, akan dijawabNya Cahayanya mekar takkan padam Sampaikanlah pertemuan kami wahai yang Maha Menjawab Untukmu kuserahkan diri aku wahai Kekasih Muhammad yang memuliakan orang asing Dengan dekat denganmu hati menjadi tenang Wahai rahmat sekelian alam If the beloved (saw) were among us Those from far & near will come to him (saw) Hoping to see the sun of goodness before it sets Desiring to be near to Him (saw) In this company the soul feels great On that moment If it prays to Allah, Allah will surely answer The light of Taha (saw) will not cease to exist Oh Ya Allah who answers prayer, please fulfill our hope to meet him (saw) I am willing to sacrifice my life for you Oh beloved (saw) Muhammad saw honor of strangers In your company the soul feels great Oh mercy t

The Last Words

A young man flagged down a taxi in order to take his ill mother to the hospital. They both got in and the driver made his way to the hospital. However, on the way, the son asked for the taxi to be stopped so that he could get out and quickly get some medication for his mother. As he was away, the mother’s health suddenly plummeted and subhan’Allah, the driver noticed the signs of death on her. He immediately went to her side and guided her through the Shahadah (testimony of faith). In accordance to the hadith: “Whoever’s last words are la ilaha illa’Allah (there is no God but Allah), will enter Paradise.” [Abu Dawud]. The mother looked at the driver acknowledging it, and finally she uttered the words of faith before breathing her very last. When the son returned, the driver informed him of the news. The son went into a natural hysteria whereupon the driver consoled him saying, “Don’t worry, I helped her utter the Shahadah and she said it in a clear voice.” The son then exclaimed, “Wha

The Hood

What do you see when you look at me, Do you see someone limited, or someone free, All some people can do is just look and stare, Simply because they can't see my hair. Others think I am controlled and uneducated, They think that I am limited and un-liberated, They are so thankful that they are not me, Because they would like to remain 'free'. Well free isn't exactly the word I would've used, Describing women who are cheated on and abused, They think that I do not have opinions or voice, They think that being hooded isn't my choice. They think that the hood makes me look caged, That my husband or dad are totally outraged, All they can do is look at me in fear, And in my eye there is a tear. Not because I have been stared at or made fun of, But because people are ignoring the one up above, On the Day of Judgment they will be the fools, Because they were too ashamed to play by their own rules. Maybe the guys won't think I am a cutie, But at least I am fill

IIUM Karate-do Mustangs

It's been almost a year since I was appointed as the team captain for IIUM Karate-do Mustangs Team. Throughout this year, we had numerous memorable moments, a lot of laughter, ups and downs, ins and outs. Our last participation in a tournament was two weeks ago, and most probably it would be the last time for this semester since we are in the 12th week already. Anyway, since I don't have the time to write down the happenings of a whole year in one post, I will just share the achievement of the team. InshaAllah, after the final exams of this semester, we will start back fighting, striving, and training hard. We will come back with ten more times of enthusiasm and determination! Our team is the best team! You just watch and see!!! As the team captain, I would like to thank all of my team members, fans and supporters. This team could not go this far without you all. I am just a normal human being, and alone I could not do much. Your effort and patience are really appreciated.

الطريق إلى الله

يا من خلقك ربك فسواك وهو الذي رزقك وكساك وأطعمك وسقاك وأمرضك وشفاك ومن كل خير سألته أعطاك ومع ذلك عصيت وما شكرت وأذنبت وما استغفرت تنتقل من معصية إلى معصية ومن ذنب إلى ذنب كأنك ستخلد في هذه الحياة الدنيا ولن تموت تبارز الله بالمعاصي والذنوب غافلا ساهيا عن علام الغيوب فليت شعري متى تتوب؟ متى تتوب؟ أتتوب عنذ هجوم هادم اللذات؟ أتتوب عند الممات؟ وهل تظن يقبل منك ذلك في تلك اللحظات؟ استمع إلى من أنعم عليك وهو يتحدث عن أولاء الذين بارزوه بالذنوب والمعاصي ولم يخشوا يوما يؤخذ فيه بالأقدام والنواصي انظر ماذا قال الله عنهم حتى إذا جاء أحدهم الموت قال رب ارجعون لماذا تتمنى الرجعة يا هذا لعلي أعمل صالحا فيما تركت كلا فقد أهملناك كلا فقد تركناك فتماديت وما رجعت وما ماليت كلا فقد انتهى الوقت كلا إنها كملة هو قائلها ومن ورائهم برزخ إلى يوم يبعثون قد تقول ماذا أفعل؟ ماذا أصنع؟ أذنبت كثيرا عصيت كثيرا أقول لك أخي عجل، عجل ما دام باب التوبة مفتوحا نعم لا يزال باب التوبة مفتوحا يقول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إن الله يقبل توبة العبد ما لم يغرغر

Fake Friends

The other day, I read a link posted by one of my facebook friends about this topic. It was about getting rid of fake friends. I guess she had some problems lately. To that person, I say sorry for not being able to help. I don’t know your friends that much. However, I respectfully disagree with the term “fake friend”. For I believe that there are no such things as fake friends. For me, it is either Friend or Non-Friend. And if it happened that you are one of my facebook friends, that doesn’t mean that we are friends in real life. I add and accept people whether I know them personally or not. But of the sake of convenience, I would use the term “fake friend”. This is the story of one of them. I had a fake friend. I knew her in my first short semester in my undergraduate study. We become close friends and even best friends. It is so funny, that me out of all the people, didn’t notice it. She was so friendly in the first two years, as I was able to help her a lot. In the third year, she

One Year Ago

When I looked at myself, one year ago like this time. I pitifully laugh at the old me. How blind I was, how misled I was, how far in the illusions I was. Exactly one year ago from now.... I praise Allah for teaching me this lesson the hard way, for making suffer in order to realize the reality, and for sending the worse person in this earth as my best friend. Indeed, my life is filled with hardships and tests. And I want it to be like that, because I believe that this life is just a journey, and my real home is paradise, inshaAllah. And now here I am, almost finished with my chapter in my story: University Life. Now, I am getting ready for my next adventure, where the destination is unknown. Only He knows where I will be spending the next chapter of my life.

The Bright Side

The personality of someone can be found easily by observing what they say. For example, take a look at the following: “No mood to do the assignment…super lazy…aarrggghhh” “Let’s walk; it’s better for health, better for our legs. (There is a problem with the motorbike, must be repaired…but...err...adooi” “So many assignments, submission date is close….pergh” “Credit is available, battery is enough, line is clear…but why sending fail? Retry? Aduuuh” “Feel sleepy only during study time….aduuuuh…” “Roommate disappeared somewhere…yeah, I would be alone in my room this semester…aduuuuh” “It’s hard to deal with people who cannot think, and just accept whatever….adoii… “Internet connection is like @#$%^&” “Super busy…a lot of problems to settle…adooii….” “When the plan does not work…aduuuh….” “aduuhh...” These are the facebook status updates of someone…I’m not that lifeless to go and stalk some people profile. But it happens that I never forget whatever I read. So what you can say about


bersujud kepada Allah bersujud sepanjang waktu setiap nafasmu seluruh hidupmu semoga diberkahi Allah bersabar taat pada Allah menjaga keikhlasanNya semoga dirimu semoga langkahmu diiringi oleh rahmatNya setiap nafasmu seluruh hidupmu semoga diberkahi Allah alhamdulillah wasyukurillah bersyukur pada Mu ya Allah indah dalam kebersamaan hilanglah sebuah perbedaan

من شر ما خلق

بعد صلاة العصر، جلست في المسجد آخذ أنفاسي بعد يوم حافل بالنشاطات والمحاضرات، فإذا بي أسمع أحدهم يقرأ أذكار المساء. فلما قرأ قوله تعالى: "قل أعوذ برب الفلق من شر ما خلق" فتح الله علي وقلت في نفسي، حقاً لا إله إلا الله، سبحان الله عدد ما كان وعدد ما يكون، وعدد الحركات السكون. هذه آيات أقرؤها وأسمعها عشرات المرات يومياً ومع ذلك لم أدرك أن فيها ما يدل على أن الخير كله لله، وأن الشر من أنفسنا ومن الشيطان: موضوع قرأت عنه في أحد المقالات حديثاُ... قال تعالى: "من شر ما خلق"، وما قال: "من الشر الذي خلق"، فالفرق بين الجملتين واضح جلي، ففي الأولى دلالة على أن الشر متولد من الخلق، أما الثانية فتشير إلى أنه تعالى هو الذي خلق الشر، تعالى الله عن ذلك، لاحظ كيف يتغير المعنى كلياً بتغيير كلمة أو كلمتين فقط... ما أعظم القرآن وما أبلغه، فـمن انتقائه للألفاظ والكلمات، واختياره للعبارات الجُمل، يظهِر روعة اللغة العربية، اللغة التي اصطفاها الله من جميع اللغات، فقد خلدها سبحانه وتعالى بأن جعلها لغة القرآن، ولغة أهل الجنة، فالحمد لله الذي جعل العربية لغتي الأصل، وأودع في قلبي


Nowadays, final year students are somehow spoiled and really not behaving the way they should. This is the opinion of one of my lecturers. In final year, but still are not independent, making a problem with Mahallah offices if they were not given their rooms. In final year, but still are not confident, afraid to do final year project or to go to an interview or doing practical training alone. In final year, but still acting like there are in first year. That’s from my teacher. For me, I didn’t have a normal childhood so I don’t know what an average Child-Joe thinks. I really don’t understand people who don’t want to grow up, those people who want to stay young and cute forever, and those people who don’t want to accept that the fact that one day they have to stand up on their own. Alhamdullilah, for giving me something that made me want to be more mature and independent. So far, I’m almost totally independent from my family, I don’t take a single penny from them. I eat, wear, and use

Allah knows better

“It may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know.” Alhamdullilah, for taking that thing away from me, even though it hurt me a lot. I really like something before, and really wanted it. However, Allah took it away from me. I felt down and took me a very long time to let go of it. Allah knows better. If I got that thing, the thing that I really really wanted, my life would be a disaster, and my future will be ruined. I realized this last week. I did my best to keep it for myself and act cool for one night. But I don’t think I can stand living with that thing more than that. Allahmdullilah, for taking many things, many people from my life. Those things and people who would make me a worse person. Thanks to Allah, I’m a better person that before. Oh Beloved, Take away what I want... Take away what I do... Take away what I need... Take away everything... That takes me from you.

Study of the Capabilities of Absorbing Energy of Crushable Foam

This is the topic of my final year project in short FYP. I chose with my favorite lecture, Qasim sensei, as we share the same interest of modelling and simulation. I chose to work alone as I want to train for my Jump-to-Phd plan. So far, I would say I did only 1% of the work, for obvious reasons. From now on, I will focus my life on someone, I forgot about him for years...He is me. Anyway, tentative plan for tomorrow: 08:00 am: Go to sports center to give back some keys 08:30 am: Control System 10:00 am: Computer Aided Design 11:30 am: Engine Design (Best Class) 01:00 pm: Go to clinic and dentist 05:00 pm: FYP with Qasim Sensei 08:00 pm: Swimming with my best friend 10:00 pm: Eating and watching "How I met Your Mother" 11:00 pm: Sleeping This is the tentative plan. It might not be followed exactly, that's why they are called tentative. Sometimes we plan, but things do not go as we planned because Allah has planned something better for us.

7th WKF Cadet & Junior Championship

Sponsored transportation from KL to Melaka. Free stay in a nice hotel for two nights and free lunch for two day. And on the top of that, meeting people from all other the worlds and watching the best fights from the best fighters. Indeed, I'm lucky. And for that, I say Alhamdullilah. Sometimes, I forgot how special and unique I am, and I forgot that this uniqueness is not because of I wanted it. It is because that I was chosen, among millions, I was the chosen. Praise to He Who Chose me. Going back to the topic, it was a really nice day. Alhamdullilah. And it was very special day, as I met a lot of my senseis and senseis I know...Sensei Rijal, sensei Yong, sensei John, sensei Najwa, sensei Fadhil, sensei Alexander, sensei Elai, sensei Amsha, and most importantly, I met the one who taught me the ABC of karate, sensei Hardi. Also, I got the opportunity to buy karate equipment and uniforms in a very attractive price. I got to buy Shurido Gi with RM650, meaning 60% off. However, con

Engine Design

MEC4601 is one of the most interesting courses in automotive engineering. Today I had three hours lecture by the beloved lecturer. Basically so far, we learned about the cams and camshafts. Also, we started learning about the engine balancing. Since I’ve finished already the course Kinetics and Dynamics of Machineries, these two topics was not that difficult. In the previous class, we learned about balancing engines with one, two, three, four, five, and even six in line cylinders. Also, there was a brief about V type engines balancing. I made this simplified model of four in line cylinder engine. Next project will by V-6 engine!

The Final Act

“When I come to think of it, there are so many things I wanted to do. I wanted to be a school teacher. I wanted to become an engineer. I wanted to be a cook. I wanted to go to a bunch of doughnut shops and ask one of everything. I even wanted to stop the ice-cream man in his truck and tell him to give me one of everything he had as well. Oh dear, I wish I could have five different lives instead of one. Then I could have been born in five different towns instead of one, I could have been raised by five different families. I could have eaten five lifetime's worth of food, I could have grown up to have five different careers, and... And in every one of those lives, I would have fallen in love… with the same person, five different times. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING…GOODBYE” The Tragedy of My Life, Final Act

How a Pit Stop Works

You see a frenzy of activity each time a racecar pulls into the pit stop as technicians scramble to fix the car in record speed. Let’s get this issue with an insider’s look at what happens in those few seconds. READY FOR ACTION Twenty seconds before the car arrives, the team gets a call from the engineer on the pit wall for the crew to come out. This brings out all the technicians except for the ones that carry the new wheels. Once the car is in the pit lane, the engineer will call out the guys with the new tires. As the car reaches the pit stop, the full crew is ready to spring into action. TOP SPEED ARRIVAL The car comes in at either 60kph or 100kph, depending on the circuit. As the car comes to a stop, the four wheel gun guys will release the nuts on the wheels before the car is even in the air. JACK OPERATORS There are front and rear jack operators and one person operating the lollipop at the front. It’s his job to release the car as quickly, and also to ensure the safety of ev

If I only know

This is the theme I chose for my 23rd birthday. I know I said I will avoid listening to sad music and songs. However, this is something I just have to do, for some reason... If only I know the arrival of my death I will beg Oh God please prolong my age If only I know the arrival of my time I will beg Oh God don't You take my life I am afraid of all my sins I am afraid of the sins that  darkens me If only I know Your Angel of Death will visit me Allow me To declare the words of repentance to You I am afraid of all my sins I am afraid of the sins that darkens me Forgive me for all my sins Forgive me, I cry repenting to You I am a human being who's afraid of Hell However I'm also not qualified to be in Your Heaven If only I know the arrival of my death Allow me to declare the words of repentance to You I am afraid of all my sins I am afraid of the sins that darkens me Forgive me from all my sins Forgive me, I cry repenting to You

New Semester

So we just finished our first training for this new semester. Although we were expecting more new students, the attendance was good, but it could have been better. Maybe because of the rain kot... The training tonight was somehow different. I won't bore you with details. Sensei Mizan told us at the end of the class, that this will be the way this semester. The training tonight was special. As sensei Najwa and sensei Fadhil did a surprise visit! The training with them around is a priceless experience. After the training, we had a heart to heart session. Thanks to all the senseis, for sharing with us all their experience and for giving us a great time. One last thing, as the captain for the karate-do Mustangs, I wish good luck for those who are going to EMZ tournament. And as the exco for demo, I wish good luck for those who are going for grading next week


Yes, I am a little cramped here...Yes, I do have a lot of things to do...and actually after half an hour I have to be there in the female sport complex, training for Serawak mission...Yet, I have to write this... I have to let this out, it is overwhelming me! I thank you Allah, then I thank the law of attraction...maybe it was only for a fraction of a second...but the happiness it lefts, will last for long long and long time... You want to know what happened to me? Well, here is some hints: RED + FSC + 545 + YA Cannot find it out? Well then, it is actually enough for you just to know that I am very happy because of something.

Atheism vs Theism

An Atheist Professor of Philosophy was speaking to his Class on the problem Science has with God, the Almighty. He asked one of his new students to stand. Professor: You are a Christian, aren't you, son? Student: Yes, sir. Professor: So, you believe in God? Student: Absolutely, sir. Professor: Is God good? Student: Sure. Professor: My brother died of cancer, even though he prayed to God to heal him. Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But God didn't. How is God good, then? Hmm? (Student was silent) Professor: You can't answer, can you? Let's start again, young fella. Is God good? Student: Yes. Professor: Is Satan good? Student: No. Professor: Where does Satan come from? Student: From.. God. Professor: That's right. Tell me son, is there evil in this world? Student: Yes. Professor: Evil is everywhere, isn't it? And God did make everything. Correct? Student: Yes. Professor: So who created evil? (Student didn't answer) Pr

فَنُّ التَّطنِيشِ لِمَنْ أرَادَ أنْ يَعِيشْ

قال أحدهم: طنش تعش تنتعش، ومعنى ذلك أن لا تبالي بالحوادث والمنغصات، وقد سبق إلى ذلك زميلي وصديقي الدكتور أبو الطيب المتنبي، حيث يقول:ـ فعشت ولا أبالي بالرزايا *** لأني ما انتفعت بأن أبالي وأنت إذا ذهبت تدقق خلف كل جملة وتبحث عن كل مقوله قيلت فيك وتحاسب كل من أساء إليك، وترد على كل من هجاك، وتنتقم من كل مَنْ عاداك، فأحسن الله عزاءك في صحتك وراحتك ونومك ودينك واستقرار نفسك وهدوء بالك، وسوف تعيش ممزقاً قلقاً مكدراً ، كاسف البال منغص العيش ، كئيب المنظر سيئ الحال ، عليك باستخدام منهج التطنيش ، إذا تذكرت مآسي الماضي فطنش، إذا طرقت سمعك كلمه نابيه فطنش، وإذا أساء لك مسيء فاعف وطنش، وإذا فاتك حظ من حظوظ الدنيا فطنش، لأن الحياة قصيرة لا تحتمل التنقير والتدقيق، بل عليك بمنهج القرآن:ـ قال تعالى: { خُذِ الْعَفْوَ وَأْمُرْ بِالْعُرْفِ وَأَعْرِضْ عَنِ الْجَاهِلِينَ }  سورة الأعراف : 199 سبّ رجل أبا بكر الصديق رضي الله عنه فقال أبو بكر: سبُّك يدخل معك قبرك ولن يدخل قبري!ـ الفعل القبيح والكلام السيئ والتصرف الدنيء يُدفن مع صاحبه في أكفانه ويرافقه في قبره ولن يُدفن معك ولن يدخل معك!ـ قال العلا


Although we just passed the month of Ramadan, month of forgiveness, there have been a lot of ‘unfriedship’ cases. First of all, Is it really a verb? To unfriend someone… Well, my Microsoft Word underlines it and does not recognize it. Why couldn’t it be 'defriend' instead? Anyway, I am not a linguistic so enough with the nonsense. Couples of days ago, I was very disappointed to know that someone ‘unfriended’ me on facebook. Not because the fact that he/she ‘unfriended’ me, but because of something else. Days before Ramadan, I noticed that one of my facebook friends is missing. I could not found his/her account. I suggested that he/she deactivated the facebook account because of Ramadan. After all, that why he/she planned to do for Ramadan last year. However, later on, I found out that this person does have an account in facebook. The name is the very same, but with different profile picture. I sent a friend request. I thought he/she got a problem with the old account such as

Kakushi Itami

A very sad song. It reminds me of the movie 'One Litre of Tears", the story of a Aya Kitō, who was diagnosed with a disease called Spinocerebellar Degeneration when she was 15 years old. The disease causes the person to lose control over their body, but because the person can retain all mental ability the disease acts as a prison. So in the end the person can't move, walk or talk. "I write because writing is evidence that I am still alive." It is a very sad dramatic story, filled with lessons about life and hope. How a teenager girl, who suffers from a degenerative disease can have that much hope in her life, it teaches us, teaches me not to give up. No matter how bad things can get in this life, there is always hope.