
Showing posts from February, 2013

Faith and Denial

Two perspectives that have been supporting me all this time, and made me the person whom I am at this moment: A certain belief that I have and another thing that I deny. But one must remember people are different, things that have work with some people might not work with others. Here, I detail two of my perspectives that motivate me every time. If you are my type of person, then these two might not work with you. The first one is BELIEVE in your God! He is our creator and has the absolute knowledge! What we see with our limited vision and wisdom as something bad for ourselves might actually have more good behind it. So whether you pass a test or you fail, whether you got a job you wanted or not, either cases it went for the best of our well being. Who might know...maybe if you pass a hard subject with an outstanding grade you will become arrogant...maybe if you got the job that you likes you won't be happy because of the bad environment, colleagues or boss.We kno

Parental Love

Maybe I don’t know how much parents can love their kids. Once upon a time ten years ago, my elder brother and my dad were having different opinions on a certain matter. My mom told me: “He will not ever understand how a parent can love his children, until the day comes when he himself becomes a father!” And I believe now he understands why our father had those views because now he himself is a father. One year ago when I went back to my home after being away for a long period, I've met my Nephew for the first time. I brought some presents, food and stuff. While I was catching up with my parents, I heard a loud scream of my brother. My nephew was choked while eating some fruit. I was more worried about my brother rather than my nephew. I've known him since as I early as I can remember and never seen him in such a situation. Indeed, parental love is something that cannot be put into words. Yet, there are some heroes in this world, who would sacrifice the unimaginable,