
Showing posts from October, 2016

Secretly Advice: Advice Secretly

No public disgrace please. I make mistakes, so do you. We are all humans, we all make mistakes. We need each other to improve and become better persons, we need to take the hand of those who went astray and bring them back to the light. But no public disgrace. Imagine if your parent, boss, or elderly corrected you in front of everyone, who would that make you feel? Only few can accept with an open heart, but most of us, will have the feeling of shame that will overshadow the fact that we made a mistake and need to improve. So the next time you want to correct, advice, point out the mistake of your colleague, spouse, friend, family or student, remember: "No public disgrace please." This reminds me of the situation that we will be in the day of judgement, where we all are gathered in front of all the creations, then, He - the Almighty- will approach some of us, one by one, and privately say: "Remember that sin you did, in that day and that place? I h