
Showing posts from November, 2011

Fake Friends

The other day, I read a link posted by one of my facebook friends about this topic. It was about getting rid of fake friends. I guess she had some problems lately. To that person, I say sorry for not being able to help. I don’t know your friends that much. However, I respectfully disagree with the term “fake friend”. For I believe that there are no such things as fake friends. For me, it is either Friend or Non-Friend. And if it happened that you are one of my facebook friends, that doesn’t mean that we are friends in real life. I add and accept people whether I know them personally or not. But of the sake of convenience, I would use the term “fake friend”. This is the story of one of them. I had a fake friend. I knew her in my first short semester in my undergraduate study. We become close friends and even best friends. It is so funny, that me out of all the people, didn’t notice it. She was so friendly in the first two years, as I was able to help her a lot. In the third year, she

One Year Ago

When I looked at myself, one year ago like this time. I pitifully laugh at the old me. How blind I was, how misled I was, how far in the illusions I was. Exactly one year ago from now.... I praise Allah for teaching me this lesson the hard way, for making suffer in order to realize the reality, and for sending the worse person in this earth as my best friend. Indeed, my life is filled with hardships and tests. And I want it to be like that, because I believe that this life is just a journey, and my real home is paradise, inshaAllah. And now here I am, almost finished with my chapter in my story: University Life. Now, I am getting ready for my next adventure, where the destination is unknown. Only He knows where I will be spending the next chapter of my life.

The Bright Side

The personality of someone can be found easily by observing what they say. For example, take a look at the following: “No mood to do the assignment…super lazy…aarrggghhh” “Let’s walk; it’s better for health, better for our legs. (There is a problem with the motorbike, must be repaired…but...err...adooi” “So many assignments, submission date is close….pergh” “Credit is available, battery is enough, line is clear…but why sending fail? Retry? Aduuuh” “Feel sleepy only during study time….aduuuuh…” “Roommate disappeared somewhere…yeah, I would be alone in my room this semester…aduuuuh” “It’s hard to deal with people who cannot think, and just accept whatever….adoii… “Internet connection is like @#$%^&” “Super busy…a lot of problems to settle…adooii….” “When the plan does not work…aduuuh….” “aduuhh...” These are the facebook status updates of someone…I’m not that lifeless to go and stalk some people profile. But it happens that I never forget whatever I read. So what you can say about


bersujud kepada Allah bersujud sepanjang waktu setiap nafasmu seluruh hidupmu semoga diberkahi Allah bersabar taat pada Allah menjaga keikhlasanNya semoga dirimu semoga langkahmu diiringi oleh rahmatNya setiap nafasmu seluruh hidupmu semoga diberkahi Allah alhamdulillah wasyukurillah bersyukur pada Mu ya Allah indah dalam kebersamaan hilanglah sebuah perbedaan

من شر ما خلق

بعد صلاة العصر، جلست في المسجد آخذ أنفاسي بعد يوم حافل بالنشاطات والمحاضرات، فإذا بي أسمع أحدهم يقرأ أذكار المساء. فلما قرأ قوله تعالى: "قل أعوذ برب الفلق من شر ما خلق" فتح الله علي وقلت في نفسي، حقاً لا إله إلا الله، سبحان الله عدد ما كان وعدد ما يكون، وعدد الحركات السكون. هذه آيات أقرؤها وأسمعها عشرات المرات يومياً ومع ذلك لم أدرك أن فيها ما يدل على أن الخير كله لله، وأن الشر من أنفسنا ومن الشيطان: موضوع قرأت عنه في أحد المقالات حديثاُ... قال تعالى: "من شر ما خلق"، وما قال: "من الشر الذي خلق"، فالفرق بين الجملتين واضح جلي، ففي الأولى دلالة على أن الشر متولد من الخلق، أما الثانية فتشير إلى أنه تعالى هو الذي خلق الشر، تعالى الله عن ذلك، لاحظ كيف يتغير المعنى كلياً بتغيير كلمة أو كلمتين فقط... ما أعظم القرآن وما أبلغه، فـمن انتقائه للألفاظ والكلمات، واختياره للعبارات الجُمل، يظهِر روعة اللغة العربية، اللغة التي اصطفاها الله من جميع اللغات، فقد خلدها سبحانه وتعالى بأن جعلها لغة القرآن، ولغة أهل الجنة، فالحمد لله الذي جعل العربية لغتي الأصل، وأودع في قلبي