Choice vs. Fate

If we say like that, then we are nullifying the attribute of Justice from Him, the almighty. If we believe that He is All-knowing, and that He WROTE EVERYTHING for us, then we are saying that He is not fair. However, He has the absolute knowledge as well as He is the Just. So how?

Yes, it has been written for some to go to hell. (No, the correct way to say: It has been written that some of us will go hell.) BUT that does not mean they were forced to act in such a way that will lead them to hell fire.  Before the creation of everything, Allah already knows what will happen. He knew already that some people will go to hell, although He gave them options and sent messengers to warn them. When we say He wrote that a person A would go to Hell, it is not mean that He is forcing him. He knew that this person A will choose the wrong way by his own free will. Knowledge does not necessary means forcing.

In the things that we will be asked in the day of judgement, these things we have the choice, but of course within the taqdeer (predestination). For example, I can choose to go to masjid or go to a disco, but I cannot choose to elevate myself into the air. And my choice, it was already known by Allah long time ago, and thus He wrote it down.  We are given the power to choose, but it is limited as He has the ultimate power. He did not use that power to predestined our fates, whether in Hell or in Heaven, otherwise that will be the most unfair. Some might say, why does Allah punish me if He wrote for me to commit a sin? Answer: Yes, He wrote that you will commit a sin in that day, because He already knew that you would choose do to so by your free will. He wrote it down. But did not force it.

A father knows his son is playful, don't study. So from the beginning of the semester He said that his son will fail. He knows that his son will fail, based on previous years. But of course, human knowledge is limited, he might be wrong. So, if he says his son will fail based on his knowledge, does that mean he is FORCING his son to fail? Of course, a big NO. Likewise, Allah knows us even before that He created us, He already knew that some people will fail in their test in this life, and wrote it down, so does that make Him forcing them to do so?

We have the choice in some matters, and whatever our choice, Allah knew it before the creations and wrote it down. So we don't act as it was predestined for us, we choose our way by our free will, and He knew our choices since eternity and wrote it down. Of course, a predestined limited choice. Otherwise, I would have chosen to fight crime and be a superman. XD  


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